Platform Transition Update - NDT Dataset, Tables, & Views

If you’ve been following our blog over the last few months, you know M-Lab has been working toward a complete server platform upgrade. As of November 20, 2019, all M-Lab servers are now managed by Kubernetes, running Docker container services for all experiments. This transition has greatly improved our platform management, this post addresses the short term impact on downstream data users and applications, and outlines a temporary solution and our longer term for new NDT tables/views.

Platform Transition Timeline

At the end of August, the platform was ready to be fully transitioned. In September and October, we paused the platform upgrade to support the United States Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) annual Measuring Broadband America program (MBA). For many years, M-Lab has donated space on our servers for use by SamKnows, the FCC’s contractor for the MBA program. SamKnows has used the M-Lab platform for the MBA program’s “off-net” measurements. Once the official end of the MBA data collection period was announced, the M-Lab team began upgrading the remaining servers in our fleet.

Change in NDT data publishing dataset, tables, and views

During the staged rolling upgrade to ndt-server from web100 to tcp_info, NDT test data were published to two different datasets. Our ETL pipeline made NDT tests collected by the web100 version of the NDT server available in these BigQuery Views:

  • measurement-lab.ndt.recommended
  • measurement-lab.ndt.downloads
  • measurement-lab.ndt.uploads
  • measurement-lab.ndt.web100

As of Nov. 20, 2019, all new test data is being published to:

  • measurement-lab.ndt.ndt5

And a new view has been created, which stores tcpinfo values, and client / server metadata:

  • measurement-lab.ndt.tcpinfo

Current impact of tcpinfo transition on queries

The transition to the new ndt-server completed is an accomplishment that our team is celebrating. However, we still have a little more work to do. If you’ve tried to query ndt.web100, ndt.recommended, ndt.downloads, or ndt.uploads recently, you may have noticed a decrease in test volume through November, with no results after November 20.

To see the impact of this transition in test counts, we can run a query to count the number of tests in each table per day over the timeline of the platform transition, roughly 2019-07-01 through 2019-11-20:

ndt_web100 AS (
  SELECT count(*) AS cnt_web100, partition_date AS web100_date
  FROM `measurement-lab.ndt.recommended`
  WHERE partition_date >= '2019-07-01'
  GROUP BY partition_date
ndt5_tcpinfo AS (
  SELECT count(*) AS cnt_ndt5, partition_date AS ndt5_date
  FROM `measurement-lab.ndt.ndt5`
  WHERE partition_date >= '2019-07-01'
  GROUP BY partition_date
SELECT * FROM ndt_web100
JOIN ndt5_tcpinfo ON ndt_web100.web100_date = ndt5_tcpinfo.ndt5_date
ORDER BY web100_date

The query results show decreasing daily test counts in measurement-lab.ndt.recommended and increasing daily test counts in measurement-lab.ndt.ndt5 between 2019-07-18 and 2019-11-20.

All new test data are available in measurement-lab.ndt.ndt5 and test annotations are available in If you need annotation fields with the test results, in the short term you must query both tables using the UUID field to match test rows with their annotations.

Additionally, the platform change from web100 to tcp_info will likely require some changes to your queries. There are big differences in the values collected by web100 and tcp_info. We have attempted to map the most common metrics and fields from each in the table below. If there are web100 values that you previously used that are not listed below, please let us know.

Updating your queries with data from ndt5 with tcpinfo views

To illustrate the changes brought on by the transition to tcp_info and the current status of the ndt5 view, we present a before/after query below.

Upload results using previous web100 BigQuery views:

  FORMAT_TIMESTAMP('%F %H:%m:%S', log_time) AS UTC_date_time,
  connection_spec.client_geolocation.latitude AS client_latitude,
  connection_spec.client_geolocation.longitude AS client_longitude,
  connection_spec.client_geolocation.country_code AS country_code,
  connection_spec.client_geolocation.region AS region, AS city,
  connection_spec.client_geolocation.postal_code AS postal_code,
  8 * web100_log_entry.snap.HCThruOctetsReceived/web100_log_entry.snap.Duration AS uploadThroughput,
  web100_log_entry.snap.Duration AS duration,
  web100_log_entry.snap.HCThruOctetsReceived AS HCThruOctetsRecv
FROM `measurement-lab.ndt.uploads`
  partition_date BETWEEN '2019-11-01' AND '2019-11-02'
  AND connection_spec.client_geolocation.country_code = 'US'
  AND connection_spec.client_geolocation.region IN ('OR', 'WA','ID')
ORDER BY partition_date ASC, log_time ASC

Equivalent Query for Upload results using ndt5 and tcpinfo BigQuery views:

  ndt5.ParseInfo.TaskFileName AS test_id,
  TIMESTAMP_SECONDS(ndt5.log_time) AS UTC_date_time,
  ndt5.result.ClientIP AS client_ip,
  tcpinfo.Client.Geo.latitude AS client_latitude,
  tcpinfo.Client.Geo.longitude AS client_longitude,
  tcpinfo.Client.Geo.country_code AS country_code,
  tcpinfo.Client.Geo.region AS region, AS city,
  tcpinfo.Client.Geo.postal_code AS postal_code,
  ndt5.result.C2S.MeanThroughputMbps AS uploadThroughput,
  TIMESTAMP_DIFF(ndt5.result.C2S.EndTime, ndt5.result.C2S.StartTime, MICROSECOND) AS duration,
  tcpinfo.FinalSnapshot.TCPInfo.BytesReceived AS HCThruOctetsRecv,
  ndt5.result.C2S.UUID AS test_UUID
  `measurement-lab.ndt.ndt5` ndt5,
  `measurement-lab.ndt.tcpinfo` tcpinfo
  ndt5.partition_date BETWEEN '2019-11-01' AND '2019-11-02'
  AND ndt5.result.C2S.UUID = tcpinfo.UUID
  AND tcpinfo.Client.Geo.country_code = 'US'
  AND tcpinfo.Client.Geo.region IN ('OR', 'WA','ID')
ORDER BY ndt5.partition_date ASC, ndt5.log_time ASC

Download results using previous web100 BigQuery views:

  FORMAT_TIMESTAMP('%F %H:%m:%S', log_time) AS UTC_date_time,
  connection_spec.client_geolocation.latitude AS client_latitude,
  connection_spec.client_geolocation.longitude AS client_longitude,
  connection_spec.client_geolocation.country_code AS country_code,
  connection_spec.client_geolocation.region AS region, AS city,
  connection_spec.client_geolocation.postal_code AS postal_code,
  8 * web100_log_entry.snap.HCThruOctetsAcked/ (
    web100_log_entry.snap.SndLimTimeRwin + web100_log_entry.snap.SndLimTimeCwnd + web100_log_entry.snap.SndLimTimeSnd) AS downloadThroughput,
  web100_log_entry.snap.Duration AS duration,
  web100_log_entry.snap.HCThruOctetsReceived AS HCThruOctetsRecv
FROM `measurement-lab.ndt.uploads`
  partition_date BETWEEN '2019-11-01' AND '2019-11-02' AND
  connection_spec.client_geolocation.country_code = 'US' AND
  connection_spec.client_geolocation.region IN ('OR', 'WA','ID')
ORDER BY partition_date ASC, log_time ASC

Equivalent Query for Download results using ndt5 and tcpinfo BigQuery views:

  ndt5.ParseInfo.TaskFileName AS test_id,
  TIMESTAMP_SECONDS(ndt5.log_time) AS UTC_date_time,
  ndt5.result.ClientIP AS client_ip,
  tcpinfo.Client.Geo.latitude AS client_latitude,
  tcpinfo.Client.Geo.longitude AS client_longitude,
  tcpinfo.Client.Geo.country_code AS country_code,
  tcpinfo.Client.Geo.region AS region, AS city,
  tcpinfo.Client.Geo.postal_code AS postal_code,
  ndt5.result.S2C.MeanThroughputMbps AS downloadThroughput,
  TIMESTAMP_DIFF(ndt5.result.S2C.EndTime, ndt5.result.S2C.StartTime, MICROSECOND) AS duration,
  tcpinfo.FinalSnapshot.TCPInfo.BytesReceived AS HCThruOctetsRecv,
  ndt5.result.S2C.UUID AS test_UUID
  `measurement-lab.ndt.ndt5` ndt5,
  `measurement-lab.ndt.tcpinfo` tcpinfo
  ndt5.partition_date BETWEEN '2019-11-01' AND '2019-11-02'
  AND ndt5.result.S2C.UUID = tcpinfo.UUID
  AND tcpinfo.Client.Geo.country_code = 'US'
  AND tcpinfo.Client.Geo.region IN ('OR', 'WA','ID')
ORDER BY ndt5.partition_date ASC, ndt5.log_time ASC

What’s next?

By the end of January 2020, the M-Lab team will update the schema for measurement-lab.ndt.ndt5, providing unified views of NDT data collected before and after our transition to the new ndt-server. Until that time, we encourage users of the ndt dataset to retrieve test metadata from the measurement-lab.ndt.tcpinfo table as described above. Watch for future blog posts for updates.

If you have questions or concerns with these changes or need assistance transitioning your queries, please reach out via

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